

## Installation
npm install @adminjs/hapi @hapi/boom @hapi/inert

Plugin depends on the following packages and they have to be installed beforehand:

  • boom - handling errors
  • inert - rendering static assets

If you want to use built-in auth, you'll also need this:


The plugin can be registered using standard server.register method.

The simplest example:

const AdminJSPlugin = require('@adminjs/hapi')
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi')

const adminJsOptions = {
  resources: [YourResource],

const server = Hapi.server({ port: process.env.PORT || 8080 })
const start = async () => {
  await server.register({
    plugin: AdminJSPlugin,
    options: adminJsOptions,

  await server.start()


The example above will launch the admin panel under default localhost:8080/admin url. Routes will be accessible by all users without any authentication.

To restrict access, you can pass auth via plugin options.

Authentication options

Plugin receives all AdminJSOptions and one special parameter: auth, which controls the authentication.

  1. By default, if you won't give options.auth - admin panel will be available without the authentication (like in the simplest example above)
  2. You can set whatever authentication you prefer for admin routes by setting options.auth.strategy. For example:
await server.register(require('hapi-auth-basic'))
server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', { validate })

await server.register({
  plugin: AdminJSPlugin,
  options: { auth: { strategy: 'simple' }, ...otherAdminJSOptions },

The strategy will be passed down to all AdminJS routes.

  1. @adminjs/hapi plugin can be setup to use auth-cookie. Only thing you have to do is to define the following auth options: authenticate, cookiePassword, isSecure, cookieName.

View Source adminjs-hapijs/src/index.ts, line 2


# async static register()

Actual method that Hapi uses under the hood when you call

server.register(plugin, options) method. Options you give in Hapi are passed back to it.

View Source adminjs-hapijs/src/plugin.ts, line 54

const AdminJSPlugin = require('@adminjs/hapi')
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi')

// see AdminJS documentation on database setup.
const yourDatabase = require('your-database-setup-file')

const ADMIN = {
  email: '',
  password: 'password',

const adminJsOptions = {
  resources: [yourDatabase],
  auth: {
    authenticate: (email, password) => {
      if ( === email && ADMIN.password === password) {
        return ADMIN
      return null
    strategy: 'session',
    cookieName: 'adminJsCookie',
    cookiePassword: process.env.COOKIE_PASSWORD || 'makesurepasswordissecure',
    isSecure: true, //only https requests

const server = Hapi.server({ port: process.env.PORT || 8080 })
const start = async () => {
  await server.register({
    plugin: AdminJSPlugin,
    options: adminJsOptions,

  await server.start()
