

import { unflatten } from 'flat'
import { DELIMITER } from './constants'
import { selectParams } from './select-params'
import { FlattenParams } from '../flat'
import { propertyKeyRegex } from './property-key-regex'
import { GetOptions } from './flat.types'


 * @load ./
 * @memberof module:flat
 * @param {FlattenParams}   params      flatten params from which property has to be taken
 * @param {string}          [propertyPath]  name of the property
 * @param {GetOptions}      options     options
 * @returns {any}                       when property key exists directly it returns what is inside,
 *                                      otherwise it tries to find any nested objects and returns
 *                                      them
const get = (params: FlattenParams = {}, propertyPath?: string, options?: GetOptions): any => {
  if (!propertyPath) {
    return unflatten(params)

  // when object has this key - simply return it
  // we cannot rely on typeof params[propertyPath !== 'undefined' because params can actually be
  // undefined and in such case if would pass and function would return [undefined]
  if (Object.keys(params).find(key => (key === propertyPath))) {
    return params[propertyPath]

  const regex = propertyKeyRegex(propertyPath, options)
  const selectedParams = selectParams(params, propertyPath, options)

  const nestedProperties = Object.keys(selectedParams).reduce((memo, key, index) => {
    let newKey = key.replace(regex, `${TEMP_HOLDING_KEY}${DELIMITER}`)

    // when user wants to take allSiblings we have to fix the indexes so nested items from
    // different siblings don't overlap
    // Example for key `nested.1.el`:
    //  'nested.0.el.0.value': 'val0.0',
    //  'nested.0.el.1.value': 'val0.1',
    //  'nested.1.el.0.value': 'val1',
    //  'nested.1.el.1.value': 'val2',
    // has to be changed to:
    //  'TEMP_HOLDING_KEY.0.value': 'val0.0',
    //  'TEMP_HOLDING_KEY.1.value': 'val0.1',
    //  'TEMP_HOLDING_KEY.2.value': 'val1',
    //  'TEMP_HOLDING_KEY.3.value': 'val2',
    if (options?.includeAllSiblings) {
      newKey = newKey.replace(
        new RegExp(`${TEMP_HOLDING_KEY}\\${DELIMITER}(\\d*)`),

    memo[newKey] = selectedParams[key]

    return memo
  }, {} as FlattenParams)

  if (Object.keys(nestedProperties).length) {
    return (unflatten(nestedProperties) as {})[TEMP_HOLDING_KEY]
  return undefined

export { get }