

import { SpaceProps, TypographyProps } from 'styled-system'
import { VariantType } from '../../theme'

import { ColorProps } from '../../utils/color-props'

 * @load ./
 * @memberof Button
 * @alias ButtonProps
 * @property {string} [...] Other props from {@link ColorProps}, {@link SpaceProps}
 *                          and {@link TypographyProps}
export type ButtonProps = ColorProps & SpaceProps & TypographyProps & {
   * Button color variant
  variant?: VariantType | 'text';
   * Button size variant
  size?: 'sm' | 'lg' | 'icon' | 'default' | 'md';
   * If button should be rounded
  rounded?: boolean;

   * You can either pass an label prop - or use react Children.
  label?: string